This day started off with an unknowing girlfriend and a staged "Fashion shoot" for a new clothing boutique opening up. After being pampered by hair and makeup our main focus Kennedy was strutting her stuff for the fabulous photographer and #1 Hype woman Elishya Marie Photos, all while she shouted YASSSS GIRL across the fields! Soon enough we could see the black spot of a helicopter in the distance while Kennedy continued to strike fantastic pose after pose. The posing eventually stopped as the helicopter swooped down and landed in her own backyard. Confused and a bit nervous Kennedy was all smiles once she realized that the man who hopped out of the helicopter was her Boyfriend Steve who immediately brought on tears by dropping to a knee and popping the big question! An obvious YES was followed by the couple taking flight again to land on a private sand island in the middle of the river to take golden hour photos as the sun set!
Gentlemen!!! Listen up .... Because this is how you do it!!!

Photographer: @elishyamariephoto
Planner: @thebottledbronco
Hair & Makeup: @asaiomua
Outfits: @_themodaboutique